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Iasc, International Accounting Standards Commi International Accounting Standards Explained
Accounting Standards can vary widely from country to country, thus making comparisons of company accounts difficult. Other adverse effects can include higher than necessary preparation costs for multinational companies, who may have to prepare...
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Marcus Buckingham, Donald O. Clifton Now, Discover Your Strengths
Unfortunately, most of us have little sense of our talents and strengths, much less the ability to build our lives around them. Instead, guided by our parents, by our teachers, by our managers, and by psychology's fascination with pathology, we...
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Marino Regini, Jim Kitay, Martin Baethge From Tellers to Sellers: Changing Employment Relations in Banks
"This book should be on the shelf of every serious scholar of service management, human resource management, and financial institutions." --- Patrick T. Harker, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania Once stolid, strictly regulated...
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Jane Henry, David Walker Managing Innovation and Change
Praise for the First Edition: `an excellent range of subjects... this book challenges us to face ourselves and our own addictive patterns and to question how we may be colluding with the addictions of our client organisations.' - ...
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John C. Maxwell There's No Such Thing As "Business" Ethics: There's Only One Rule For Making Decisions
Bestselling author and expert on leadership John C. Maxwell shares the only rule that matters--in business and in life.How does a person judge what is ethical? Sometimes it's clear. In the past year or two, ethical lapses in corporate America have...
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