А. Желонкин

Основы программирования в интегрированной среде Delphi. Практикум

Цель книги - знакомство с интегрированной средой программирования Delphi. Выполняя многочисленные упражнения, читатель научится самостоятельно конструировать программы (приложения Windows), правильно располагая компоненты на форме, управлять логикой...

Jordan Simon, Brian Caverly

Estate Planning for Dummies

If you’re like most people, you want to be sure that, once you’ve passed on, no more of your property and money will be lost to the government than is absolutely necessary. You want to know that you’ll be leaving your heirs your...

Alex Wilmerding

Term Sheets & Valuations - A Line by Line Look at the Intricacies of Venture Capital Term Sheets & Valuations

Term Sheets & Valuations is the first ever in-depth look at the nuts and buts of terms sheets and valuations. The book, written by leading venture capitalist Alexander Wilmerding of Boston Capital Ventures, covers topics such What is a Term Sheet,...

Howard W. Oden

Transforming the Organization : A Social-Technical Approach

The rapidly increasing rate of world change demands not just incremental change that organizations have used in the past, but fast, radical alterations of their strategy, culture, structure, and processes. Nothing less than transformation will do,...

James Leland Clark, Lyn R. Clark, James L. Clark, Lyn Clark, James Leland How 9 Clark


Since 1975, HOW and its subsequent editions have been a prominent reference source for business writers, office personnel, and students. With every new edition, HOW has kept pace with changes in our language and the business environment, striving...

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