Reto Gallati

Risk Management and Capital Adequacy

Under the new Basle Guidelines, all financial institutions subject to local banking laws will soon be required to operate under dramatically different risk exposure rules. Risk Management and Capital Adequacy provides details on the key...

Miles Kahler

Capital Flows and Financial Crises (Council on Foreign Relations Book)

Capital flows to the developing economies have long displayed a boom-and-bust pattern. Rarely has the cycle turned as abruptly as it did in the 1990s, however: surges in lending were followed by the Mexican peso crisis of 1994-95 and the sudden...

Gary Armstrong, Philip Kotler

Marketing: An Introduction (6th Edition)

This accessible overview helps learners master the basic principles and practices of modern marketing in an enjoyable and practical way. Its coverage balances upon three essential pillars?(1) theory and concepts; (2) practices and...

Мир через культуру

В сборник вошли произведения великого художника и мыслителя Николая Константиновича Рериха, а также "Криптограммы Востока", принадлежащие перу его жены Е. И. Рерих. Среди других публикаций - монография Вс. Н. Иванова "Рерих" и воспоминания о Н. К....

Beverly Voth

FileMaker Pro 6 Developer's Guide to XML/XSL (Wordware Library for Filemaker)

This book is designed to teach the FileMaker Pro developer about XML and XSL....

<<<  Robert Simons. Performance Measurement and Control Systems for ...             Carl Ganz Jr.. Real World Enterprise Reports Using VB6 ... >>>

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