Illiad, JD Frazer

Even Grues Get Full: The Fourth User Friendly Collection

Even Grues Get Full is the fourth collection of the hit geek comic strip User Friendly by J.D. "Illiad" Frazer. Written with fresh, dry humor and an amusing vividness that brings the cast of characters to life, the comic strip is loved...

Radu Dogaru

Universality and Emergent Computation in Cellular Neural Networks (World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science, Series A, 43)

Cellular computing is a natural information processing paradigm, capable of modeling various biological, physical and social phenomena, as well as other kinds of complex adaptive systems. The programming of a cellular computer is in many respects...

Christian D. Buckley, Darren W. Pulsipher

The Art of ClearCase(R) Deployment: The Secrets to Successful Implementation (Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series)

How This Book Came About When we began writing for Rational Software back in 1998 for the now-defunct Rose Architect magazine, our intent was to provide project managers, product managers, and various other nonengineers with a grounding in some...

Mark W. Smolensky, Earl S. Stein

Human Factors in Air Traffic Control

The study of human factors has progressed greatly in the past 10 years, particularly with regard to the literature available in applied areas. The authors of this text focus on the most important aspects of this literature--the increasing concern...

Robert M. Metcalfe, David Walden

Packet Communication

This groundbreaking Harvard Ph.D. dissertation by Bob Metcalfe led directly to his invention of Ethernet and contributed significantly to the TCP/IP protocol suite developed by Vint Cerf and others. This dissertation remains a penetrating...

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