Рассел Хобан

Амариллис день и ночь

"Амариллис день и ночь" увлекает читателя на поиски сокровенных истоков любви, в волшебное странствие по дорогам грез и воспоминаний. Преуспевающий лондонский художник Питер Диггс погружается в сновидения и тайную жизнь Амариллис - загадочной и...

Stephen Haber

The Politics of Property Rights : Political Instability, Credible Commitments, and Economic Growth in Mexico, 1876-1929 (Political Economy of Institutions and Decisions)

Book DescriptionThis detailed economic history of Mexico presents a theory about how rent seeking permits economic growth and explains why political instability is not necessarily correlated with economic stagnation. It is intended for historians of...

Sid Kemp

Perfect Solutions for Difficult Employee Situations

Book Description Practical methods for solving messy problems in the office From underperformance to office romances to interpersonal conflicts, Perfect Solutions for Difficult Employee Situations gives you effective...

David W. Till

The Recipe for Simple Business Improvement

Book DescriptionOver the past 50 years, there have been many success stories from companies and individuals using quality and continuous improvement to improve organizational performance. We have come to know and respect the works of great teachers...

Steven Suskin

A Must See!: Brilliant Broadway Artwork

Book DescriptionCurtain up! A Must See! proudly presents a visual feast of Broadway ballyhoo. For this compendium of graphic design excellence, theatre historian Steven Suskin combed through rare archives to bring us more than fifty years of plays...

<<<  М. А. Косарик, Д. Л. Гуревич. Portugal: pais, povo, lingua ...             Й. Беккер, Л. Вилков, В. Таратухин, М. Кугелер, М. Роземанн. Менеджмент ... >>>

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Футбол Мой мир Работа Н. А. Кондрашов. История лингвистических учений Вести Почта Яхо Marshall Goldsmith, Mark Reiter. What Got You Here Won't Get You There: Виталий Шевченко. Что вам мешает быть здоровым Путешествия Night Sweats - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Ж. Ландреви, Ж. Леви, Д. Линдон. Меркатор. Теория и Диля Еникеева. Требуется подруга жизни (миниатюрное издание)
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