Bernice L. McFadden

Loving Donovan: A Novel in Three Stories

Book DescriptionDespite being born to a broken-hearted mother and a faithless father, Campbell still believes in the power of love if she can ever find it. Living in the same neighborhood, but unknown to Campbell until a chance meeting brings...

John Adams

Adams on Adams

Book DescriptionJohn Adams insisted that his was a life insignificantly lived, yet he took great pride in having played an integral role in the birth of a nation. His writings were spiced with the wit and humor of a person who took his ideas...

Elaine Leong Eng

A Christian Approach to Overcoming Disability: A Doctor's Story

Book DescriptionLearn how faith and psychological insight can combine to help Christians overcome physical disabilities! After being diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa, Dr. Elaine Leong Eng, author of "Martha, Martha": How Christians Worry,...

Fish for Life : Interactive Governance for Fisheries (Amsterdam University Press - MARE Publication Series)

Book Description One billion people around the world rely upon fish as their primary—and in many cases, their only—source of protein. At the same time, increasing demand from wealthier populations in the U.S. and Europe encourages...

Michele Scicolone

1,000 Italian Recipes

It's Like Getting 5 Cookbooks in 1 179 Pastas and Sauces 241 Meat, Poultry, and Fish Entrees 158 Vegetable Dishes 179 Desserts And Much More! CELEBRATE ITALIAN COOKING with this authoritative and...

<<<  Elissa Stein. Cheerleader: Ready? Okay!             Й. Беккер, Л. Вилков, В. Таратухин, М. Кугелер, М. Роземанн. Менеджмент ... >>>

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Джозеф Шеридан Ле Фаню. Дядя Сайлас. В зеркале отуманенном Яков Владимиров. 1000 шахматных загадок Роберт Шекли. Миры Роберта Шекли. Книга 5 Рейтинг Надежда Бабкина и ансамбль "Русская песня". CD 2 (mp3). В Мегафон Работа Программы Готовые домашние задания: Немецкий язык: На основе учебника: Коллекция Вима Вендерса. Париж, Техас. Гарри Дин Стэнтон ("Зеленая миля"), Статистика Русское народное поэтическое творчество. Хрестоматия по фольклористике. Путешествия Гогле
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