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Mark Jordan, Mark Gould, Rick Dillon, Jeffrey Presogna, David L., Jr. Perkins The Business Sale...an Owner's Most Perilous Expedition: Guiding Techniques from Merger & Acquisition Professionals
For most owners, the business sale, merger, or acquisition process is a mountain of uncertainty. The right guide is critical for maximizing the selling price of your company. The Business Sale...An Owner's Most Perilous Expedition provides...
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Mason C. Doan American Housing Production 1880-2000
American Housing Production, 1880-2000 presents a concise history of nonfarm housing production, progress, and policy in the United States. This century has been divided into a 14-part chronological structure with irregular time intervals, in...
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Ivan L. Pitt, J. R. Norsworthy Economics of the U.S. Commercial Airline Industry: Productivity, Technology and Deregulation (Transportation Research, Economics and Policy, V. 8)
Economics of the U.S. Commercial Airline Industry: Productivity, Technology and Deregulation illustrates the impact of upstream technological change in capital goods (aircraft and aircraft engines) on demand, productivity, and cost reduction in the...
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John M. Gowdy Limited Wants, Unlimited Means: A Reader on Hunter-Gatherer Economics and the Environment
For roughly 99% of their existence on earth, Homo sapiens lived in small bands of semi-nomadic hunter-gatherers, finding everything they needed to survive and thrive in the biological richness that surrounded them. Most if not all of the problems...
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Tom Curtin, Jacqueline Jones Managing Green Issues
The management of environmental has become a key concern for many companies. Not only do these issues influence how an organization is seen and how its reputation is judged, it has huge implications for the organization's success, brand values...
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