Frank H. Knight

Risk, Uncertainty and Profit

Role of the entrepreneur in a distinct role of profit....

Richard A. D'Aveni, Robert E. Gunther

Hypercompetitive Rivalries: Competing in Highly Dynamic Environments

In this pathbreaking book, Richard D'Aveni shows how competitive moves and countermoves escalate with such ferocity today that the traditional sources of competitive advantage can no longer be sustained. D'Aveni argues that a company must...

David Montgomery

Workers Control in America

A collection of essays on workers' efforts in the 19th and 20th centuries to assert control over the processes of production in US. It describes the development of management techniques and includes discussions of various worker and union responses...

Kim Long

Writing in Bullets: The New Rules for Maximum Business Communication

This is a style guide in the spirit of Strunk & White's classic Elements of Style , with a contemporary twist: it explains the appropriate use of key words and bulleted phrases in memos, e-mails, formal documents, business meetings, and...

Douglas E. Comer, David L. Stevens

Internetworking with TCP/IP, Vol. III: Client-Server Programming and Applications--BSD Socket Version (2nd Edition)

This is a revised version of this volume. Changes in this edition include: Code has been updated to use ANSI C and the UNIX operating systems (POSIX). Covers SLIP connections (a popular program that allows TCP/IP access to the Internet over...

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