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Adi W. Kohler, Catherine Bridges Tarleton Mr. Mauna Kea
Adi Kohler, former General Manager of the Mauna Kea Beach Hotel, Island of Hawaii, State of Hawaii, describes his life in the hotel business from Germany to Paris to Arizona, to the U.S. Virgin Island, Puerto Rico and finally to the Mauna Kea Beach...
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Yasheng Huang Selling China: Foreign Direct Investment During the Reform Era
This book about China's integration into the world economy proposes a radically different perspective. Most economists view China's large foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows as the result of China's economic success. This study views the same...
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John Connell Papua New Guinea: The Struggle for Development (Routledge Studies in Growth Economies of Asia)
Papua New Guinea is a complex, rapidly changing nation, where the economy has been profoundly affected by political change. Before independence the economy was largely based on agriculture; since 1975 it has focused on coal production. This book is...
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Lars S. Skalnes Politics, Markets, and Grand Strategy: Foreign Economic Policies As Strategic Instruments
Why do states sometimes discriminate in favor of certain states and at other times choose to pursue nondiscriminatory policies? In answering these questions, Lars S. Skalnes stresses the international political importance of foreign...
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Frances Cairncross Costing the Earth: The Challenge for Governments, the Opportunities for Business
In Costing the Earth , Frances Cairncross shows the ways in which government can and must create the right conditions for businesses to develop environmentally sound practices and products. Covering issues such as water pollution, the...
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Arantza. The Art of Arantza, Vol. 1