М. Б. Менский

Группа путей: измерения, поля, частицы

В книге рассматриваются два круга физических проблем: 1) квантовая теория непрерывных измерений и 2) теория квантовых частиц в калибровочных и гравитационных полях. Эти два круга вопросов объединены общностью математического аппарата (пространство...

George M. Von Furstenberg, Michael K. Ulan

Learning from the World's Best Central Bankers: Principles and Policies for Subduing Inflation

Central bankers play a prominent role in many societies; a few of them even become oracles or celebrities. Yet they are not paid much heed -- commonly accorded little respect -- as educators and intellectual leaders. This volume hopes to change...

Katy Bisson, John L. R. Proops

Waste in Ecological Economics (Current Issues in Ecological Economics)

Waste is a quintessentially ecological economic issue. The generation of waste is rooted in the very laws of nature, but waste is also a social construct, and what we understand to be waste has evolved with human societies. Therefore, a crucial...

William Boyes

The New Managerial Economics

In The New Managerial Economics, Boyes introduces non-majors to the power of economics in business decision making. The text's intuitive approach clearly highlights how economics influences marketing, management, and other...

Bernard Roy, Eric Jacquet-Lagreze, Patrice Perny, Roman Slowinski, Daniel Vanderpooten, Philippe Vincke, Denis Bouyssou, D. Bouyssou

Aiding Decisions With Multiple Criteria: Essays in Honor of Bernard Roy (Kluwer International Series on Advances in Database Systems)

Aiding Decisions With Multiple Criteria: Essays in Honor of Bernard Roy is organized around two broad themes: + Graph Theory with path-breaking contributions on the theory of flows in networks and project scheduling, + Multiple Criteria...

<<<  Джеффри Барлоу. Спящий во тьме             Н. Н. Рогалевич. 282 задания для успешной ... >>>

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