Hugh Ross

Macbeth (Arkangel Shakespeare)

Book DescriptionMacbeth, at his wife's urging, slays good King Duncan and seizes the throne of Scotland for himself. His ambition realized, Macbeth soon finds that one murder is not enough. Guilt, retribution, and self-destiny are explored in one of...

Mary Warner Marien

Fleming's Arts and Ideas, Volume I (with CD-ROM and InfoTrac)

Book Description A top-seller since it first published in 1955, FLEMING'S ARTS and IDEAS chronologically explores a breadth of humanities topics from antiquity to the present. New author Mary Warner Marien continues the text's tradition of combining...

Глеб Шульпяков

Дядюшкин сон и другие эссе

"Дядюшкин сон и другие эссе" - собрание увлекательных путевых очерков талантливого журналиста и поэта Глеба Шульпякова (род. в 1971 г.) Современный, зоркий вгляд на окраины и столицы бывших империй: Российской, Австро-Венгерской, Британской,...

Alison Eivors

Hunger for Understanding : A Workbook for helping young people to understand and overcome anorexia nervosa

Book DescriptionResearch suggests that anorexia nervosa and other eating disorders, whilst not prevalent in the population, have the highest mortality rate of all psychological problems. The development of effective treatment programs is therefore...

D. Eric Franks

ACID Pro 5 Power!: The Official Guide to Sony ACID Pro 5 Software (Power!)

Book Description If you recognize all the power that ACID® Pro software has to offer for composing, recording, editing, and producing, and you want to learn more, this book is for you. With three new patent-pending technologies?Groove-Mapping?,...

<<<  Клер Бессант. Разговор с котенком             Carolyn Parkhurst. Lost and Found: A Novel >>>

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