John L. Smith

No Limit: The Rise and Fall of Bob Stupak and Las Vegas' Stratosphere Tower

This novel provides a penetrating look at Bob Stupak, controversial casino owner and builder of the Stratosphere Tower (tallest observation tower in the United State). Between his early years as the son of a notorious gambling operator in...

Thomas J. Cottle

Hardest Times: The Trauma of Long-Term Unemployment

Against the backdrop of a robust economy, hundreds of thousands of people in this country remain out of work for long periods of time, causing economic and psychological hardships for entire families. Hardest Times examines in depth what happens to...

Sidney M. Levy

Build, Operate, Transfer: Paving the Way for Tomorrow's Infrastructure

Using the Build, Operate, Transfer (BOT) system, private developers design, finance, construct, and operate revenue-producing public projects, and, at the end of the pay-back period, turn projects over to the community. This book explore this new...

Heidi McNeil Staudenmaier

Changing Jobs: A Handbook for Lawyers in the New Millennium

This book reveals the fastest growing forms of work in today's economy and includes new chapters on internet searches, work at home options and lateral hiring trends....

Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette: The Insider Guide (Wetfoot.Com Insider Guide)

Do you want to know what a job in this industry is really like-and do you want to know it quickly? WetFeet has the best research (and writing) team in the business. WetFeet guides are the industry standard--based on thousands of insider interviews...

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