M. Clusener-Godt, I. Sachs

Brazilian Perspectives on Sustainable Development of the Amazon Region

This is the first book on Amazonian ecology and resource use and development from the perspective of researchers, scholars, and resource managers who have lived and worked in Brazil for a long time. It contains 13 chapters on the chief issues...

David P. Baron

Business and Its Environment (4th Edition)

Brings together the disciplines of economics, political science, law, and ethics to address a class of management issues of growing importance to the performance of companies. Provides conceptual frameworks for understanding issues in the...

Barbara Cox

Web Marketing for the Real Estate Professional

More than half of all home buyers use the Internet to help them find a home. Learning how to capitalize on this Internet usage is the key to having these people move from Internet user to your client. This continuing education title teaches that...

Jr., C. Arthur C Williams, Peter C Young, Michael L. Smith

Risk Management & Insurance

The content and structure of this text are based on the twin beliefs that (1) the study of insurance, a major tool of risk management, should be preceded by an understanding of procedures and concepts of risk management and (2) most students will...

Steven C. Chapra

Power Programming with VBA/Excel

Part of Esource ?Prentice Hall's Engineering Source, this book provides a flexible introduction to the use of VBA/Excel in engineering. Featuring over 25 modules and growing, the ESource series provides a comprehensive resource...

<<<  Rebecca Potts, Jeanenne Lamarsh. Master Change, Maximize ...             Людмила Голубовская. Рэйки. Сила открытой чаши. Книга 1 >>>

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