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Стив Фарбер Полный улет. Частные уроки экстремального лидерства!
Стив Фарбер в своей полной юмора книге предлагает сенсационно новое понимание руководства. С первых страниц читатель погружается в почти детективную историю, действие которой начинается на солнечном пляже Калифорнии. Там-то главный герой...
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Elizabeth White Nelson Market Sentiments: Middle-Class Market Culture in Nineteenth-Century America
Book Description Interdisciplinary history explaining the rise of capitalism, sentimentalism, the marketplace, and the parlor . This brilliant examination of the nineteenth-century challenges a central tenet of American history: that in the...
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Ronald Ayers, Robert Collinge Economics : Explore and Apply, Enhanced Edition
This easy-to-read, accessible, macro-first principles book engages readers with familiar real-world examples and applications that bring economics to life. The authors follow an Explore and Apply theme that shows learners how...
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David P Miller Walking Through Bankruptcy
Book DescriptionThe author puts a face on bankruptcy from the point-of-view of those who've suffered losses. Forty chapters deal with topics like "Questioning the debtorA?s schedules," "How to handle the bankruptcy crook,"...
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J. L. Nichols Business Guide: An Outline of Business
Book Description1926. This book contains cold blooded business data, boiled down legal information for daily use, proven methods of avoiding commercial losses, and innumerable rules, formulae, statistics, forms, diagrams, facts and figures for ready...
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