Constantinos C. Markides

Diversification, Refocusing, and Economic Performance

During the 1980s a dramatic change in the evolution of the modern corporation took place. The phenomenon, which has been labelled "refocusing," "de-diversifying," "de-conglomerating," or simply "getting back to basics," has changed the terrain of...

Angie Hollerich, Angie Hollerich

The Weight and Wealth Factors

The Weight and Wealth Factors is written to help you make sense of the factors that effect your ability to have successful weight management and wealth accumulation. Once you identify the 12 factors: environment, motivation, habits, family, budget,...

М. А. Рожкова, Д. В. Афанасьев

Новые правила обращения в Европейский Суд по правам человека: текст Регламента, новеллы, комментарии

Впервые основной документ, определяющий порядок деятельности Европейского Суда по правам человека - Регламент Европейского Суда по правам человека - публикуется с учетом всех поправок, в том числе вступивших в силу в ноябре 2003 г., а также с новыми...

Nancy Stevenson

Tablet PCs for Dummies

* Tablet PCs, similar in size and thickness to a yellow paper notepad, are essentially modified notebooks that allow a user to take notes using natural handwriting with a digital pen on a touch-sensitive screen instead of typing on a keyboard ...

Mahbub Hassan, Raj Jain

High Performance TCP/IP Networking

Written by best selling author, Raj Jain, and his authoritative co-author, this book features leading edge issues and solutions for high performance TCP/IP networking, this easy-to-read book provides a one-stop-shop for coverage of the many...

<<<  Письма во власть. 1928-1939. Заявления, жалобы, доносы, письма ...             Валерий Брюсов. Валерий Брюсов. Собрание сочинений ... >>>

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