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Michael A. Alexander Stock Cycles: Why Stocks Won't Beat Money Markets over the Next Twenty Years
For most Americans, a 401k plan is their first exposure to investing. Many of us are relying on the stock market to provide for us in our retirement yet at the same time, most of us are afraid of the stock market. It's a valid concern. How can...
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Kenneth Majer Values-Based Leadership: A Revolutionary Approach to Business Success and Personal Prosperity
This is a story of triumph that urges readers to join the movement to recover business ethics! Written in parable-like format, Dr. Kenneth Majer weaves a tale that demonstrates how to apply key elements of leadership based on solid personal...
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Theodore Levitt The Marketing Imagination
Since its publication in 1983, The Marketing Imagination has been widely praised as the classic, all-inclusive "Levitt on Marketing." Now Theodore Levitt - renowned as the Harvard Business School's "guru of marketing" - has newly expanded...
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Ueli Looser, Bruno Schlapfer The New Venture Adventure: Succeed with Professional Business Planning
Investors will not be satisfied with a simple description of a business idea, no matter how attractive it may be. They want to know exactly what they are putting their money into, and who is behind the idea. This guide leads entrepreneurs-to-be...
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Rikk Carey, Gavin Bell The Annotated VRML 2.0 Reference Manual
The Annotated VRML 2.0 Reference Manual is the definitive reference written by the architects of the technology. Webmasters, programmers, and graphic designers will learn how to use VRML 2.0 as its creators envisioned. Intended to...
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