Nigel P. Cook

Practical Digital Electronics

Book Description B> After 16 textbooks, 26 editions, and 19 years of front-line education experience, best selling author Nigel Cook's new book, Practical Digital Electronics, completes the successful Practical Series trilogy. Practical...

Ricky W Griffin

Business (8th Edition)

Book Description This best-selling book provides readers with a comprehensive overview of all the important functions of business. Each edition has introduced cutting-edge firsts while ensuring the underlying principles that guided its...

Bruce R. Hopkins

Private Foundation : Tax Law and Compliance, 2004 Supplement

Book DescriptionThe first supplement contains new information on: Revised applications for recognition of exemption (Form 1023) and annual information returns (Forms 990, 990-PF). Drafts of these proposed forms are...

The Best Stage Scenes of 2003 (Best Stage Scenes)

Book DescriptionThe latest edition of our scene book series, edited by D.L. Lepidus, contains 45 great scenes, all from published or readily available plays, perfect for classroom use of those all-important auditions or scene nights. An absolute...

Shelley R. Langdale

Battle of the Nudes: Pollaiuolo's Renaissance Masterpiece

Book DescriptionThis book celebrates Antonio Pollaiuolois famous engraving, the Renaissance masterpiece Battle of the Nudes. Related works in other media reveal the context in which it was created. The study of early Italian engraving has long...

<<<  Александров С.Н., Косова Т.И.. Кролики. Разведение, ...             В. И. Дюнин, А. В. Корзун. Гидрогеодинамика нефтегазоносных бассейнов >>>

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Ф. Ф. Вигель. Записки (комплект из 2 книг) Мой мир Одноклассники Венедикт Ерофеев. Москва - Петушки Газета.ру Дэвид Моррелл. Чужое лицо Шансон. Best (mp3). В издание входят следующие альбомы Вольфганг Шрайер. Храм сатаны Атасов Стас. Даешь каждой женщине по мужчине Нигма PREY JANO. SCHUBERT:S. Исполнитель: PREY JANO Альбом: Stephen King. The Dark Tower II. The Drawing of the Three Timothy P. Roth. Equality, Rights and the Autonomous Вести Ю. Н. Улыбина. Любовь, которая вас разоряет Астафьева Н., Британишский В.. Польские поэты XX века. Антология. Том 2 Одноклассники Devan Aptekar. Webslinger: Spider-Man 2 with Sticky Slingshot Hand
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