Samuel C. Certo

Modern Management (10th Edition)

Book Description This book provides a comprehensive, flexible approach to the basic skills of business management with an emphasis on skills and applications. It presents traditional concepts, important contemporary issues, and timeless...

Janneken Smucker

Amish Crib Quilts From the Midwest : The Sara Miller Collection

Book DescriptionA rare collection of 90 antique Amish quilts for children os showcased in this brilliantly colorful volume....

Donald D Thompson

Thena's Boy

Book Description Thena's Boy is book three of The Sol Chronicles and it is the story of Mart. Mart is the young Prince of the Martian people who were sent into exile by the Venetian, Rand. The Mortans had become Martians but they were not the...

Takehiko Inoue

Vagabond, Volume 20

1 edition...

Anthony Barclay

Liberia in Thoughts and Plans: And Other Poems

Book DescriptionThe poems in this book reflect some of what Dr. Barclay has acquired in his journey of self-discovery of the vicissitudes of life. They poetically articulate his emotions, concerns and insights on several topical issues, situated...

<<<  Б. Нушич. Б. Нушич. Избранные сочинения в четырех ...             В. И. Дюнин, А. В. Корзун. Гидрогеодинамика нефтегазоносных бассейнов >>>

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