Русская литература. 7 класс. Методическое пособие к учебнику-хрестоматии для национальных образовательных учреждений

Данное пособие предназначено учителям, работающим по программе "Русская литература" (5-11 классы) для национальных общеобразовательных учреждений под редакцией М.В.Черкезовой. В методических рекомендациях учтены требования к литературному...

Lisa Haneberg

H.I.M.M. - High Impact Middle Management: Solutions for Today's Busy Managers

Book DescriptionAs a middle manager, you are a key player responsible for delivering organizational results. You hold the title of manager, director, or even vice president. You manage a staff, budgets, operational processes, and support senior...

Faces of Hope: Children of a Changing World, 2004 Calendar

Book DescriptionFrom Africa to Asia, children confront modern world challenges, while being raised in the rapidly eroding world of their own traditional culture. This calendar is a tribute to the next generation of children in developing countries,...

Gemma Guasch

Color (Creative Painting Series)

Book Description Color is the second volume in Barron's new art instruction series that focuses on creation of finished, professional-looking paintings. Books in this series are intended for use by advanced art students and experienced...

Girad Clacy

Captain's Final Log Entry

Book DescriptionCaptain John Powers is on what turns out to be his final charting mission with his ship and STARCORE. When the message comes in that the USS PERFORMANCE is to be decommissioned at the end of the current mission, John starts the...

<<<  Гинекология: диагностика и лечение. Новейший ...             Carolyn Parkhurst. Lost and Found: A Novel >>>

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МТС Денис Давыдов. Денис Давыдов. Стихотворения Поиск майл.ру Почта В. Е. Горяев. Агрофизические основы и методы регулирования гидротермического Почта МТС Яндекс Рамблер Терещенко Александр Власьевич. История культуры русского Glenn O'Brien. Katlick School Николай Александров. Шпион для России
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