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Александр Свияш Уроки судьбы в вопросах и ответах
Необычная по простоте охвата житейских проблем, доступная и полезная книга, в которой автор советует, как лучше использовать его психологические методики в конкретных сложных ситуациях, чтобы выйти из них не только быстро, но и с пользой для себя,...
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Leveraging Communities of Practice for Strategic Advantage
How can you build a successful community of practice that is integrally linked to your company's strategic vision? Learn from the first-hand experience of Hubert Saint-Onge, recognized by Fortune magazine as a leader in the field of knowledge...
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Carmelo Mesa-Lago, Alberto Arenas De Mesa, Ivan Brenes, Veronica Montecinos, Mark Samara Market, Socialist, and Mixed Economies: Comparative Policy and Performance : Chile, Cuba, and Costa Rica
How can we determine which economic model best provides for economic development and social welfare? In this major comparative work, noted economist Carmelo Mesa-Lago analyzes three Latin American countries with divergent economic systems: Chile (a...
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Ian Lerche Economics of Petroleum Production, Vol. 1: Profit and Risk
Concerned with hydrocarbon production economics, this two-volume set dissects the old adage in the oil industry that exploration for hydrocarbons loses money while production of hydrocarbons makes money. Issues explored include how risk should be...
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Brian D. Wright, Bruce L. Gardner Reforming Agricultural Commodity Policy (Aei Studies in Agricultural Policy)
This two-part study investigates potential reforms of commodity programs in the context of the legislative debate on the 1995 farm bill. Brian D. Wright considers a farm bill written on a clean slate, unconstrained by previous policy. Such...
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Домой Все о Линукс
The War in Iraq: A Photo History. Book Description Experience
Walter Begley. Bacon's Nova Resuscitatio or The Unveiling of His Concealed
Queen. Made In Heaven. Последний альбом группы,
В. С. Нерсесянц. Философия права
Кейт Донован. Навстречу любви
Беременность и творчество. Чудо свершилось:
Werner Rosenberger. Risk-adjusted Lending Conditions : An Option