Борис Виан

Мертвые все одного цвета

Это второй, после "Я заплюю ваши могилы", роман, вышедший в 1948 году под псевдонимом "Вернон Салливен", осужденный в 1950 и отправленный на костер вместе с первой книгой. В высшей степени характерное для Салливена произведение: роман, отвергнутой...

Niall Ferguson

Paper and Iron: Hamburg Business and German Politics in the Era of Inflation, 1897-1927

Few economic events have had the impact of German hyperinflation in 1923, still remembered as a root cause of Hitler's rise to power; yet in recent years historians have defended the inflationary policies adopted after 1918. Niall Ferguson takes a...

Kathy Gulrich

187 Tips for Artists: How to Create a Successful Art Career--and Have Fun in the Process!

In one handy volume, here are 187 easy ways for you to become a more successful artist. Inside, award-winning artist and art coach Kathy Gulrich shares some of her most insightful, and helpful, artist tips. You'll learn how to: - Get your bio,...

Neva Goodwin, Frank Ackerman, David Kiron, Neva R. Goodwin

The Consumer Society (Frontier Issues in Economics Thought)

The developed countries, particularly the United States, consume a disproportionate share of the world's resources, yet high and rising levels of consumption do not necessarily lead to greater satisfaction, security, or well-being, even for...

Robert H. Smith, Michael K. Crowley

Dead Bank Walking: One Gutsy Bank's Struggle for Survival and the Merger That Changed Banking Forever

Dead Bank Walking is a stunningly candid portrait of the historic merger between Security Pacific Bank and Bank of America, a combining of two giants that set in motion the fever of banking marriages we now witness. This book not only answers the...

<<<  А. В. Полякова. Тетрадь №2 русскому языку. 4 класс             Роман Дон. Соя. Дорога в будущее >>>

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