Альберт Эйнштейн. Обрести достоинство и свободу

Альберт Эйнштейн - знаменитый физик, создатель теории относительности, лауреат Нобелевской премии 1921 года. Однако лишь немногие знают, что Эйнштейн принимал живейшее участие в создании Еврейского университета в Иерусалиме и был членом его...

Herman Asselberghs

Time Suspended

Book Description "The first thing a traveller has to learn in Palestine is to wait. The Palestinians have been doing it for more than fifty years. In the refugee camps in the Gaza Strip and on the West Bank, they have been waiting for permission...

Horst Hamann

One Night on Broadway

Book DescriptionGerman photographer Horst Hamann first visited New York in 1979, in what turned out to be a formative experience. He has since become a kind of New York specialist. In 1997 he published his award-winning photobook New York...

Skip Crayton

Remember When

Book DescriptionSkip Crayton?s reflections in the Sun Journal and The Trent Woods Times are part of what makes it so special to live, work or just enjoy being a part of the New Bern, North Carolina community. His columns capture...

Suzanne Lord

Music from the Age of Shakespeare : A Cultural History

Book DescriptionThis book introduces every important aspect of the Elizabethan music world. In ten scrupulously researched yet accessible chapters, Lord examines the lives of composers, the evolution of musical instruments, the Elizabethan system of...

<<<  А. Константинов. Наружное наблюдение. Часть 2. Команда             Роман Дон. Соя. Дорога в будущее >>>

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