Karen E. Silva

Meetings That Work

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Gordon Bing

Due Diligence Techniques and Analysis

For buyers of a business or anyone involved in any phase of the due diligence process, Gordon Bing provides a unique, comprehensive, one-volume source of information and guidance. His book will help investors research, evaluate, and understand an...

James Kelly, John Gennard

Power and Influence in the Boardroom

In this work, the authors investigate the role, status and influence of Personnel and Human Resource directors. They offer both theoretical perspectives and case studies, in order to explain the 'politics' of board relationships....

Alexandra Robbins, Abby Wilner

Quarterlife Crisis: The Unique Challenges of Life in Your Twenties

A startling, insightful, and instructive exploration of the challenges twentysomethings face as they transition from school to "the real world." While the midlife crisis has been thoroughly explored by experts, there is another landmine...

William J. Mottel, Joseph F. Long, David E. Morrison

Industrial Safety is Good Business : The DuPont Story (Industrial Health & Safety)

High productivity, high quality, high morale, and associated low absenteeism are all products of a strong safety program. In the company's operational meetings, from the office of the chairman down through the daily reports from manufacturing...

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