Brian Sullivan

Twenty Days to the Top : How the PRECISE Selling Formula Will Make You Your Company's Top Sales Performer in 20 Days or Less

Book Description"I was my company's Top Sales Performer for 2003! You're a genius!" --Linda Jamison--National Account Manager--Time Warner Book Group "The PRECISE Selling Formula taught in Twenty Days to the Top has been...

American Institute of Chemical Engineers

Spray Dryers : A Guide to Performance Evaluation

Book Description Spray Dryers: A Guide to Performance Evaluation , Second Edition discusses the reasons for spray drying. These reasons are usually to produce a product with certain desired properties or with better efficiency than other...

Г. П. Матвиевская


Книга доктора физико-математических наук Г.П.Матвиевской посвящена жизни и творчеству Пьера Рамуса, одного из наиболее ярких ученых Франции XVI в. - философа, математика, педагога, страстного борца за реформу системы образования. ...

Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art - The Analytic Tradition: An Anthology (Blackwell Philosophy Anthologies)

Book DescriptionThis anthology provides comprehensive coverage of the major contributions of analytic philosophy to aesthetics and the philosophy of art, from the earliest beginnings in the 1950s to the present time. The volume presents the classics...

Anne-Marie Edwards

Walking With William Shakespeare

Book DescriptionWalk with William Shakespeare through his world, enjoying his plays, poetry and scenes from his life. Visit his home in Stratford and ramble through the countryside he knew and loved. Roam the Cotswold hills where he probably taught...

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