Adnrew Campbell, Michael Goold

The Collaborative Enterprise: Why Links Across the Corporation Often Fail and How to Make Them Work

The world's foremost authorities on multi-business strategy show how to overcome barriers to synergy and achieve real collaboration across the company "The Collaborative Enterprise is a thoughtful, thorough approach to an opportunity that has...

Cindy Ventrice

Make Their Day! Employee Recognition That Works

"Please, not another t-shirt!" is the common cry among employees. Make Their Day! shows what employers and employees each expect from recognition and why most efforts miss their mark. Author and management consultant Cindy Ventrice demonstrates that...

P. T. Barnum

Dollars and Sense: The Whole Secret in a Nutshell

P. T. Barnum was a conspicuous example of success in life, and therefore qualified to write a work of this kind for the guidance of his countrymen. His name alone, and his wonderful career, known of all men, add great weight to his words. But the...

Jorgen Wettestad, Jrgen Wettestad

Designing Effective Environmental Regimes: The Key Conditions (New Horizons in Environmental Economics Series)

This book focuses on the impact and design of international environmental regimes which are established to preserve natural resources and reduce environmental degradation. The author addresses such regimes from both a conceptual and theoretical...

John Tucillo, Buddy West, Betsy West

Targeting the over 55 Client

From the seller who has lived in one home since 1955, to the sophisticated new retiree who is ready to change to a new lifestyle, this book is the source of information you need to successfully work with this fast growing market niche. ...

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