Warren Bennis, Gretchen M. Spreitzer, Thomas G. Cummings, Gretchen M. Spreitzer, Thomas Cummings

The Future of Leadership: Today's Top Leadership Thinkers Speak to Tomorrow's Leaders

Provocative insights on leadership from a "who's who" of leadership thought including: Tom Peters, Charles Handy, and Jim Kouzes A stellar cast of the world's foremost leadership gurus comes together in one place to offer their thoughts on...

Gian Luca Foresti, Carlo S. Regazzoni, Pramod K. Varshney

Multisensor Surveillance Systems: The Fusion Perspective

This compilation focuses on multisensor fusion aspects of video monitoring and surveillance. It addresses several current research and application issues by providing a selective set of invited contributions on topics ranging from complex event...

Klaus Schmidt, Chris Ludlow

Inclusive Branding: The Why and How of a Holistic Approach to Brands

Klaus Schmidt has been a pioneer in the concept and process of inclusive, or holistic, branding as an integral element in corporate strategy. This book explains the genesis and characteristics of the holistic approach, including its dimensions,...

Keki R. Bhote, Adi K. Bhote

World Class Reliability: Using Multiple Environment Overstress Tests to Make it Happen

Six Sigma has been a giant in the quality movement but has been a pygmy in improving field reliability, i.e., reducing failure rates for customers. Traditional reliability techniques are woefully inadequate and produce fictitious reliability...

Y. Daniel Liang

Introduction to Java Programming with JBuilder, Third Edition

The new edition of this best-seller is a comprehensive introduction to Java Programming with an expanded in-depth treatment of object-oriented programming and use of the JBuilder IDE . Easy-to-read and well-paced, this book is ideal for...

<<<  Михаил Веллер. Любит - не любит             Александр Дюма. Александр Дюма. Собрание ... >>>

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