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Sebastian Barry Barry Plays 1 (Methuen Contemporary Dramatists)
Book DescriptionThe plays in this volume represent the best of Churchill's writing up to and including her emergence onto the international theatre scene....
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Lisa Graham Basics of Design
Book Description This classic introduction to high-impact page design is now fully updated for a new generation of designers. Basics of Design: Layout and Typography for Beginners demystifies the design process with straightforward and complete...
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Joseph R. Urgo Faulkner and His Contemporaries (Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha Series)
Book DescriptionEssays by Houston A. Baker, Jr., Deborah Clarke, Grace Elizabeth Hale, W. Kenneth Holditch, M. Thomas Inge and Donaria Romeiro Carvalho Inge, Donald M. Kartiganer, George Monteiro, Daniele Pitavy-Souques, Peggy Whitman...
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The Cambridge Companion to the Lied (Cambridge Companions to Music)
Book DescriptionSeveral generations before Schubert, the Lied emerged as domestic entertainment destined to move beyond the home to the symphony hall. This introductory chronicle of this fascinating genre analyzes the Lied in its musical, literary,...
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Dari L. Bradley The Politics of Angels
Book DescriptionMrs. Bradley's historic journey with Angels is an incredible story that began after the loss of her nephew, Airman Joseph Rimkus, in the June 1996 bombing of the Khobar Towers in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. The Angels, and Dari,...
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