Основы права. Учебник для средних специальных учебных заведений

В учебнике освещаются основы российского права, регулирующего широкий круг правовых отношений граждан и организаций в период перехода к рыночной экономике, развития предпринимательства. Рассматриваются основы теории государства и права,...

Nicola Phillips

The Big Difference: Life Works When You Choose It

I'm doing what I'd rather be doing. The Big Difference tackles one of life's toughest issues--how to make choices and discover the decisions that will have the greatest and most profound impact. Nicola Phillips guides you through the...

Alessandro Magnoli

What Do You Mean?: Conceptual Clarity in Social Policy

Efficiency and equity are priorities in the social policies of both industrial and developing countries. However, policy studies use efficiency and equity objectives in a general way, while in practice they may refer to specific concepts. What Do...

Thomas H. Johnson

Relevance Lost: The Rise and Fall of Management Accounting

Since its initial publication in 1987, Revelance Lost has gone through nine printings, won two major awards from the accounting profession, and had a profound impact on how management accounting systems operate in the 1990s. It has become a...

Larry R. Smalley

Interviewing and Selecting High Performers (Management Skills Series)

Assess job performance to predict future success....

<<<  Лоис Дункан. Я знаю, что вы сделали прошлым летом             Makoto Nakajima, Big Mouth Factory Digital Manga Publishing. ... >>>

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