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В. В. Шупрута Delphi 2005. Учимся программировать
Данная книга предназначена тем, кто только начинает изучение Borland Delphi 2005 - среды разработки программного обеспечения, которая в рекламе уже не нуждается. Представляя собой краткое пособие, она поможет получить начальные навыки...
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David Mill Content is King : writing and editing on-line (Emarketing Essentials)
Book DescriptionA growing number of information providers are now online, and as a result being able to produce copy that is suitable for an online readership is of increasing importance. In this text the basic principles of copywriting are covered,...
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Regional Innovation Systems: The Role of Governances in a Globalized World
Book DescriptionSince 1995 there has been a worldwide innovation-led boom and subsequent slump meaning enormous change in regional economies. The new edition registers this change and provides an interesting test of the robustness of the original...
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Joel C. Moses Dilemmas of Transition in Post-Soviet Countries
Book DescriptionExploring the tensions inherent in transition, this perceptive book offers a wide-ranging overview of the impact of democracy and capitalism on the former Soviet republics. Leading scholars assess the region's daunting problems in...
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Marion Boulton Stroud New Material as New Media
Book DescriptionFrom constructivist textile and clothing designs by Aleksandr Rodchenko and Varvara Stepanova to the soft sculptures of Claes Oldenburg and Louise Bourgeois, twentieth century artists have looked to fabric and other materials to push...
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Grand Collection. Группа "Нэнси". В серии "Grand Collection" представлена
Записки Юста Юля, датского посланника при Петре Великом (1709-1711). Редкость.
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Ilan Alon. Chinese Culture, Organizational Behavior, and International Business
Larry C. Spears. Reflections on Leadership :