День с молитвой. Удобный детский молитвослов с пояснениями

Детский молитвослов, предлагаемый Вашему вниманию, предназначен преимущественно для детей от 6 до 12 лет, обладающих навыками самостоятельного чтения. Молитвенные правила, утренние, вечерние и в течение дня, сводились по разделам исходя из...

Ranma 1/2, Vol. 9

Shampoo's spurned suitor Mousse wants revenge on Ranma for "stealing" the object of his affection. He's kidnapped Akane, and made her the star attraction of a circus act where she turns into a duck....

Sandra Kring

The Book of Bright Ideas

Wisconsin, 1961. Evelyn “Button” Peters is nine the summer Winnalee and her fiery-spirited older sister, Freeda, blow into her small town–and from the moment she sees them, Button knows this will be a summer unlike any other. ...

Frederic Lenoir, Violette Cabesos

La promesa del angel

s. XXI: Johanna es una joven arqueA?loga que desde niA±a ha tenido extraA±os sueA±os de crA­menes cometidos en un monasterio medieval, en el que aparece un monje decapitado que profiere una enigmA?tica frase “hay que excavar la tierra para...

Dorothea Lange

Impounded: Dorothea Lange and the Censored Images of Japanese American Internment

Censored by the U.S. Army, Dorothea Lange's unseen photographs are the extraordinary photographic record of the Japanese American internment saga. This indelible work of visual and social history confirms Dorothea Lange's stature as...

<<<  Е. В. Хлопцева. Гобелен. Это модно. Сумки, пояса, панно             Makoto Nakajima, Big Mouth Factory Digital Manga Publishing. ... >>>

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