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Parisa Damandan Portrait Photographs from Isfahan : Faces in Transition
Book Description A passion for photography and photo-history drove Parisa Damandan to painstakingly seek and accumulate an impressive collection of portrait photographs from Isfahan, Iran. A native Isfahani herself, Damandan followed every lead...
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Stefano Tonchi Excess: Fashion and the Underground in the 80s
Book DescriptionProducing a book on fashion in the 1980s is not merely a question of immortalizing one of the most feverish periods of invention, creativity, and variety in our recent history. It also means providing a window on the increasingly...
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Aaron Gwyn Dog on the Cross : Stories
Book DescriptionThe focus of this striking and intense collection of stories is a small Pentecostal community in Oklahoma struggling with faith and lapses into sin during the week that a fifteen-year-old faith healer comes to town. From a...
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Megan Dunsmore S Is for Saints
Book DescriptionSo many saints' books use art as old as the subjects themselves. This gorgeous collection of short biographies uses all-new, icon-like portraits that are digitally colored. The result combines the familiarity of tradition with a...
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Neil Roberts Companion to Twentieth-Century Poetry (Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture)
Book Description In the twentieth century more people spoke English and more people wrote poetry than in the whole of previous history, and this Companion strives to make sense of this crowded poetical era. The original contributions by leading...
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