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Королева лебедь
Литовскому народу, не имеющему своего героического эпоса и до XVIII века почти не имевшему своей художественной литературы, песня и сказка заменили книгу, письменность, они отражали жизненный опыт народа, его мудрость, его эстетические идеалы. ...
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Bob Heckman Boardroom Selling
Book DescriptionWhat's the "secret sauce" that makes this book so helpful? Simple. It's based on decades of real world selling, not on concepts that sound good in the classroom. It's about what works in the corner office or the boardroom...where...
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Anna Sewell Black Beauty (Unabridged Classics)
Book Description The illustrations for this series were created by Scott McKowen, who, with his wife Christina Poddubiuk, operates Punch & Judy Inc., a company specializing in design and illustration for theater and performing arts. Their...
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Pramoedya Ananta Toer The Girl from the Coast
Book Descriptionramoedya's The Girl from the Coast tells the story of a beautiful young woman from a fishing village who finds herself in an arranged marriage with a wealthy aristocrat. Forced to leave her parents and home behind, she moves to the...
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William Durbin Blackwater Ben
Book DescriptionThirteen-year-old Ben works at Blackwater Logging Camp as cook’s helper to his Pa. Long days of flipping pancakes and peeling potatoes with his ornery Pa make Ben long to be out in the woods with the lumberjacks. Felling logs,...
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Поиск книг в интернет магазинах.
Домой Братья Шарк. Диадема "Млечный путь"
Таких не берут в космонавты. В пять часов утра жена встала с постели и пробралась
Мария Башкирцева, Елизавета Дьяконова. Фотография
Секреты красоты (миниатюрное издание). Красивые глаза, волосы, руки - одни
Mickey Knox. Good, the Bad, and the Dolce Vita: The Adventures
Виртуальные открытки
Юрий Герман. Юрий Герман. Собрание сочинений в шести томах.