Adam Fagan

Environment and Democracy in the Czech Republic: The Environmental Movement in the Transition Process

Book DescriptionSince a handful of environmental activists helped to bring down the communist regime in Czechoslovakia, the arena of environmental politics has offered a valuable lens on the transition process, providing a unique insight into the...

John Thackara

In the Bubble : Designing in a Complex World

Book DescriptionWe're filling up the world with technology and devices, but we've lost sight of an important question: What is this stuff for? What value does it add to our lives? So asks author John Thackara in his new book, In the Bubble:...

Managing Organizational Deviance

Book DescriptionThe success of an organization may be dependent on limiting the potential for deviant behavior, and if necessary, reacting to deviant behavior in a positive way. Focusing on the successful management of deviant behavior in the...

Nicolas Spulber

Russia's Economic Transitions : From Late Tsarism to the New Millennium

Book DescriptionThis book is concerned with Russia's economic transition from a predominantly feudal economy to a capitalist economy; from an economy based on private ownership, to one based exclusively on state ownership, and finally, from the...

Globalization, Social Capital, and Inequality: Contested Concepts, Contested Experiences

Book DescriptionThis volume investigates the relationship between globalization, inequality and social capital, and reveals that although strongly related, these ideas are also highly contested. The authors elucidate the interactions between these...

<<<  Е. Ю. Старцева. Травмы суставов. Что нужно знать о травмах при занятиях ...             Peter Swirski. From Lowbrow to Nobrow >>>

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Ливе Программы Вести Вести Boris Von Smercek, Boris Von-Smerrcek. Un seminario en la Вести Дмитрий Гордон. По душам. Сенсационные откровения GOERNE+ASHKENAZY. SCHUMANN: DICHTER. Исполнитель: GOERNE+ASHKENAZY Альбом: О компьютерах Работа Фельдман Н.И.. Японский язык. Серия "Языки народов мира". Российская газета
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