Петрова Н.Н.

Новый образовательный стандарт: Оценка качества подготовки выпускников средней школы по географии: 11 класс

Пособие включает материалы для итоговой аттестации учащихся старшей школы по географии: обязательный минимум содержания среднего (полного) образования по географии; примерную программу; требования к уровню подготовки выпускников, а также примеры...

Ann Margaret Lewis, Helen Keier

The New Essential Guide to Alien Species

Discover who’s who and what’s what in the Star Wars universe with this beautifully illustrated guide–now in full color for the first time. When it comes to extraterrestrial life-forms, there’s more to science fiction’s most famous galaxy than...

Maurice Hamilton

Inside Ferrari: Unique Behind-the-Scenes Photography of the World's Greatest Formula One Team

The greatest automobile racing team in the world. Inside Ferrari is an exclusive and intimate view inside Formula l's most successful, most alluring and most secretive professional racing teams. This book provides a rare glimpse...

Susan Benjamin

"Instant Marketing for Almost Free: Effective, Low-Cost Results in Hours, Days, or Weeks"

"Without a doubt, developing high-impact marketing is one of the toughest challenges for small and medium businesses. The world of marketing is in the midst of a revolution, generating great new opportunities for entrepreneurs in Internet, street...

Entrepreneurship And the Financial Community: Starting Up And Growing New Businesses

This highly accessible book brings together the insights of leading academics and researchers to promote a better understanding of the role of private equity providers in the development of growth-oriented start-ups and the management of growth...

<<<  Как хорошие девочки добиваются успеха. Катя Пушкарева, "серая мышка" ...             Peter Swirski. From Lowbrow to Nobrow >>>

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