Bernard Roy, Mark R. McCord

Multicriteria Methodology for Decision Aiding (Nonconvex Optimization and Its Applications)

This is the first comprehensive book to present, in English, the multicriteria methodology for decision aiding. In the foreword the distinctive features and main ideas of the European School of MCDA are outlined. The twelve chapters are essentially...

Martin Libicki, James Schneider, David R. Frelinger, Anna Slomivic

Scaffolding the New Web: Standards and Standards Policy for the Digital Economy

Although much of the growing digital economy rests on the Internet and World Wide Web, which in turn rest on information technology standards, it is unclear how much longer the current momentum can be sustained absent new standards. To discover...

Helsa Ariass, Glaurys Ariass

Save Pennies, Bank Millions

This book bridges the distant gap that inherently exists between principle and practice. Financial theories and principles are interpreted, defined and translated into a practical course of action. SAVE PENNIES, BANK MILLIONS affords the reader...

Loss Prevention & the Small Business

With half of all new businesses failing in the first two years, every aspect of good business planning must be considered, but loss prevention is very often overlooked. Most small business owners grapple with the day to day challenges of sales and...

Michael S. Toot, Sherry Willard Kinkoph, Michael S. Toot, Sherry Kinkoph

Flash 5 in an Instant

Using the award-winning Visual learning system, this compact, value-priced guide shows visual learners how to get up and running on the core program features in Flash 5 -- which you'll use over and over again. Flash 5 in an Instant covers the most...

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