William A. Gregory, Thomas R. Hurst

Gregory's Cases and Materials on Unincorporated Business Associations Including Agency and Partnership, 2d (American Casebook Series®)

Designed for students not receiving an adequate foundation in fundamental concepts of agency via the "pervasive method" of teaching these concepts in contracts, torts, corporations, and other courses. Noteworthy features include special emphasis on...

Juanita Ellis, Tim Speed

The Internet Security Guidebook: From Planning to Deployment

The Internet Security Guidebook provides a complete analysis of an enterprise's Internet security. Strategies, steps, and procedures for conducting business securely on the Internet are discussed and reviewed. Very few organizations take the...

Stephen Kamichik, Stephen Kamichik

IC Design Projects

Discussing some of the most popular and practical integrated circuits, this book offers projects in which you can learn to create useful and interesting devices with ICs. Provides a real working knowledge of ICs enabling you to design and build your...

Allen M Stavely, Allan M. Stavely

Toward Zero-Defect Programming

Toward Zero-Defect Programming describes current methods for writing (nearly) bug-free programs. These methods are based on practices developed at IBM and elsewhere under the name Cleanroom Software Engineering. The successful application of these...

Scott Gregory

Buying a Computer - Made Easy!

Buying a Computer - Made Easy! - a must read for anyone who is thinking about buying a new computer. If you're like many folks, the thought of buying a computer can seem intimidating. So many buzz words. So much confusion about what to get that...

<<<  Sue Gaulke. 101 Ways to Captivate a Business Audience             Профессии работников сферы обслуживания. Авторы в популярной ... >>>

Поиск книг в интернет магазинах.

ЖЖ Астафьева Н., Британишский В.. Польские поэты XX века. Антология. Том 2 Поиск работы А. Маршак. По дорожке топ-топ-топ... Рамблер Почта.ру Дирк Зеллер. Как стать успешным агентом по недвижимости Энциклопедический словарь юного художника. Издание 1983 года. Сохранность хорошая. О компьютерах Петра Рески. Принцесса за себя не платит Михаил Миллер. Куй деньги во сне! Или "активный сон" Ifip Tc6, Wg6.3 & Wg7.3 International Conference М. Е. Салтыков-Щедрин. История одного города. Господа Головлевы. Сказки Работа Э. Кац, Э. Бронсон. "Властелин колец" Работа С. В. Краюшкина. Тесты по обществознанию. Мымра. Владимир Вдовиченков ("Звездочет"), Продолжение свода законов Российской Империи. Томас Майн Рид. Всадник без головы
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