Joseph Migga Kizza, Joseph Kizza

Ethical and Social Issues in the Information Age

Rapid advances in computing and information science often outpace society's ability to adapt its moral and legal codes. Different computing paradigms applied to the same ethical issues can often lead to conflicting confusions. This second...

Undercover Investigations for the Workplace

As security professionals, lawyers, personnel directors, and corporate executives are confronted by the demands of loss prevention, asset protection, and ever-expanding employee rights, there is a growing demand for more up-to-date information about...

Katherine Van Wezel Stone

From Widgets to Digits: Employment Regulation for the Changing Workplace

Although existing labor and employment laws were built on the assumption of long-term, stable relationships between employees and firms, this book explores the changing nature of the employment relationship and its implications for labor and...

Jeffry A. Frieden, Frieden, David A. Lake

International Political Economy

A flexible and comprehensive introduction to international political economy, this best-selling reader has 31 essays by leading scholars on the most important topics in the field. The readings cover history and theory, as well as some of today's...

Michael Wesley

The Regional Organizations of the Asia-Pacific: Exploring Institutional Change (International Political Economy)

This collection examines change within the major regional organizations of the Asia Pacific: The Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and the ASEAN Regional...

<<<  Константин Симонов. Константин Симонов. Собрание сочинений в шести ...             Профессии работников сферы обслуживания. Авторы в популярной ... >>>

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Яков Нерсесов, Владимир Волков. Война народная. Великая Отечественная Рамблер КМ Рейтинг Русские народные сказки. Финист Ясный Сокол. "Сказка PAVAROTTI. THE PAVARO. Исполнитель: PAVAROTTI Альбом: THE PAVARO Рефераты Marty Noble. Mehndi Designs CD-ROM and Book (Electronic Clip Art) Король лев. Эти книжки приятно держать в руках - твердый переплет Николь Ленар-Виру. Сказка-подсказка. Сборник сказок Гороскопы Ф. Достоевский. Братья Карамазовы Поиск мета Яхо Российская газета Работа Т. А. Малова. Капитализация в условиях российской Корбина Транслит Статистика Лист
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