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Saul Bellow Saul Bellow: Novels 1944-1953: Dangling Man, The Victim, and The Adventures of Augie March (Library of America, 141.)
Book DescriptionSaul Bellow's rare talent has not only earned critical accolades, including the Nobel Prize, it has also made his books perennial bestsellers. Now, in a historic collector's edition celebrating the 50th anniversary of the classic ...
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William Roscoe Thayer The Life and Letters of John Hay
Book DescriptionJohn Hay - journalist, historian, poet, and diplomat - had the unique fortune of serving President Lincoln as his personal secretary and Presidents McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt as Secretary of State. Being in many respects an...
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Gerry Finley-Day Rogue Trooper: Future War (2000 AD Presents S.)
Book DescriptionFrom the phenomenal British classic sci-fi comic series, 2000 AD, comes this all-action tale of a future warrior from writer Gerry Finley-Day, legendary artist Dave Gibbons (Watchmen), and fan-favourites Colin Wilson and Cam Kennedy....
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Consumer Bankruptcy in Global Perspective
Book DescriptionConsumer Bankruptcy and Overindebtedness is an emerging field throughout the world. This book provides a comparative appraisal of global developments in this area. It will be one of the first book length publications focusing on...
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Armand Leroi Mutants: On Genetic Variety and the Human Body
Book Description Stepping effortlessly from myth to cutting-edge science, Mutants gives a brilliant narrative account of our genetic code and the captivating people whose bodies have revealed it?a French convent girl who found herself...
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Русская Армия генерала Врангеля. Бои на Кубани и в Северной Таврии. В книге