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William J. Baumol The Free-Market Innovation Machine: Analyzing the Growth Miracle of Capitalism
Why has capitalism produced economic growth that so vastly dwarfs the growth record of other economic systems, past and present? Why have living standards in countries from America to Germany to Japan risen exponentially over the past century?...
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Nick Georgiades, Richard Macdonell Leadership for Competitive Advantage
Virtually every organisation today realises the need to change in order to succeed. Success can only come through good management which, itself, needs to be driven by leaders. This book illustrates how a leader can systematically create a business...
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Maria Townsley, Chris McNamee Survivor's Guide to Small Business
Survivor's Guide to Small Business is a comprehensive, easy-to-use guide for small business development and ownership. It presents all of the essentials of small business management in an easy-to-read and easy-to-use format. The content is...
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Katia Brille Lutz, Conrad J. Schmitt Tourisme Et Hotellerie: Lectures Et Vocabulaire En Francais
This is part of a series of books of specialized readings in specific content areas, in this case tourism. This book can be used as a supplementary reader (in conjunction with any basal text) at the elementary or early intermediate level (2nd...
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Scott M. Davis, Michael Dunn, David A. Aaker Building the Brand-Driven Business: Operationalize Your Brand to Drive Profitable Growth
In B uilding the Brand-Driven Business , authors Scott M. Davis and Michael Dunn— two of the nation's foremost experts on brands— map out a strategy that can help an entire organization manage and live (not just think about) its...
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