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Willie Henderson, Tony Dudley-Evans, Roger Backhouse Economics and Language (Economics As Social Theory)
The importance of language in economics has been neglected and dominated by techniques from other disciplines. This looks at the wider methological implications of language within economics in a practical and theoretical way...
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Mark E. Parry Strategic Marketing Management: A Means-End Approach
Strategic Marketing Management provides a logical approach for developing and positioning corporate and product brands, and skillfully managing those brand positions over time. Case studies and examples illustrate how to maximize benefits...
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Ifip Tc5, Wg5.5 Working Conference on Infrastructures for Virtual Enter, Luis M. Camarinha Matos, Luis Camarinha-Matos Collaborative Business Ecosystems and Virtual Enterprises (IFIP INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION FOR INFORMATION PROCESSING Volume 213)
New collaboration mechanisms and organizational forms supported by networking tools not only induce new business domains but "invade" all traditional sectors and organizations, which requires thinking of each business as part of a wider economic...
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Katsuhiko Ogata Modern Control Engineering (4th Edition)
This comprehensive treatment of the analysis and design of continuous-time control systems provides a gradual development of control theory?and shows how to solve all computational problems with MATLAB. It avoids...
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Peter Bachrach, Aryeh Botwinick Power and Empowerment: A Radical Theory of Participatory Democracy
What role should political theory play in activating workers to engage in class struggle to extend participatory rights in the workplace and, in the process, expand and revitalize American democracy? Bachrach and Botwinick argue that the answer is...
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Поиск книг в интернет магазинах.
Домой Рейтинг
Каччари М.. Геофилософия Европы
Измайлова Ирина. Всадники "Фортуны"
Rena Fruchter. Dudley Moore: An Intimate Portrait
Mitchel Y. Abolafia. Making Markets: Opportunism and Restraint on Wall Street
Amy Delpo, Lisa Guerin, Janet Portman.
Андрей Битов. Кавказский пленник
Д. Ревюз. Цепи Маркова
Theatrum Mundi: Studies in Honor of Ronald W. Tobin. Book
Ольга Здир. Microsoft Word 2003: русская
Howard Rosenthal, Howard G. Rosenthal. Encyclopedia