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Том Клэнси Охота за "Красным Октябрем"
Новейшая советская атомная подводная лодка "Красный Октябрь" под командованием капитана первого ранга Марка Рамиуса направляется к берегам США. Американские военные считают, что субмарина намеревается нанести по их стране ядерный удар, но с ними не...
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Драматургия "Знания"
В сборник включены пьесы С.Найденова "Дети Ванюшина", Е.Чирикова "Иван Мироныч", Н.Гарина-Михайловского "Деревенская драма", С.Юшкевича "Король", Л.Андреева "Савва" и Д.Айзмана "Терновый куст". ...
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Warren Littleton The Cajun
Book DescriptionLaird Granger is The Cajun, born into a wealthy family in Louisiana. His parents die in an airplane crash when he is a teenager, and he goes to live with his uncle. As a lieutenant in the U.S. Marines, he is an advisor to a battalion...
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Kevin Kraus How to Start Trading Options (Self-Teaching Guide)
Book Description A popular options authority offers you a hands-on guide to get you up and trading—even if you’re a novice Options are extremely popular with traders looking to gain leverage and reduce risk, but books...
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Stephanie Vermeulen Stitched Up : Who Fashions Women's Lives?
Book Description This feisty and inspiring treatise blames the destructive cultural myth of female self-sacrifice for the desire for breast implants, the conservative insistence on family values, and the general cultural attitude that prevents...
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