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Sylvia Kahan Music's Modern Muse: A Life of Winnaretta Singer, Princesse de Polignac (Eastman Studies in Music) (Eastman Studies in Music)
Book DescriptionSuperb new biography...The list of her achievements - music dedicated to her, works commissioned by her, artists supported by her - are all scrupulously recorded here...a dazzling and inspiring array...In Sylvia Kahan Winnaretta...
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Dylan Schaffer I Right the Wrongs : A Novel
Book Description In this sequel to Misdemeanor Man, Dylan Schaffer returns with a mind-bending legal whodunit about small crime, big crime, and the reluctant lawyer caught in the middle. Despite his recent successes in the...
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Jeffrey Ford The Girl in the Glass : A Novel
Book Description The Great Depression has bound a nation in despair -- and only a privileged few have risen above it: the exorbitantly wealthy ... and the hucksters who feed upon them. Diego, a seventeen-year-old illegal Mexican immigrant, owes...
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Paula Marantz Cohen Much Ado About Jessie Kaplan
Book Description Paula Marantz Cohen's triumphant first novel, Jane Austen in Boca , was an inspired blend of classic English literature and modern American manners. Her new novel heads north to the seemingly quiet suburban town of Cherry...
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Н. В. Раздорская Читаем и переводим японскую газету. Пособие по работе с японскими газетными текстами общественно-политической тематики (начальный этап обучения)
Учебное пособие предназначено для обучения устному и письменному переводу на основе японских газетных текстов общественно-политической тематики - после прохождения начального курса японского языка. Издание адресуется студентам лингвистических...
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Домой И. М. Смирнова, В. А. Смирнов. Компьютер
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