P. N. Elrod

A Song In The Dark (The Vampire Files)

Book DescriptionP. N. Elrod's novels of The Vampire Files blend the seductive shadows of classic noir into a sanctuary for a most unusual private investigator-vampire Jack Fleming. In Elrod's newest novel, Jack is under the gun when the New...

Mark Hyman

Detox Box

Book DescriptionThe Detox Box, created by holistic physician Mark Hyman, M.D., gives you everything you need to complete a safe, effective, and medically informed detoxification program at home. Designed for total cleansing to remove toxins and...

Johnny Salda-a

Ethnodrama : An Anthology of Reality Theatre (Crossroads in Qualitative Inquiry)

Book DescriptionSeven ethnodramas illustrate this emerging genre of arts-based research, a burgeoning but evident trend in the field of theatre production itself. With their focus on the personal, immediate and contextual, these plays about...

Neal Shusterman

Speeding Bullet

Book Description After Nick Herrera saved a little girl from being his by a New York City subway car, things have been different.... He has been different. Now it seems as if accidents are falling at his feet and he's destined to play the...

Peter Van Wyk

Burnham: King of Scouts

Book DescriptionFrederick Russell Burnham (1861-1947), an American from California, taught scouting to Robert Baden-Powell, inspiring B-P to eventually found the Boy Scouts. Burnham went to Africa in 1893 to scout for Cecil Rhodes on the...

<<<  Богуш А.А., Мороз Л.Г.. Введение в теорию классических полей. Изд.2             Peter Swirski. From Lowbrow to Nobrow >>>

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