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P. N. Elrod A Song In The Dark (The Vampire Files)
Book DescriptionP. N. Elrod's novels of The Vampire Files blend the seductive shadows of classic noir into a sanctuary for a most unusual private investigator-vampire Jack Fleming. In Elrod's newest novel, Jack is under the gun when the New...
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Mark Hyman Detox Box
Book DescriptionThe Detox Box, created by holistic physician Mark Hyman, M.D., gives you everything you need to complete a safe, effective, and medically informed detoxification program at home. Designed for total cleansing to remove toxins and...
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Johnny Salda-a Ethnodrama : An Anthology of Reality Theatre (Crossroads in Qualitative Inquiry)
Book DescriptionSeven ethnodramas illustrate this emerging genre of arts-based research, a burgeoning but evident trend in the field of theatre production itself. With their focus on the personal, immediate and contextual, these plays about...
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Neal Shusterman Speeding Bullet
Book Description After Nick Herrera saved a little girl from being his by a New York City subway car, things have been different.... He has been different. Now it seems as if accidents are falling at his feet and he's destined to play the...
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Peter Van Wyk Burnham: King of Scouts
Book DescriptionFrederick Russell Burnham (1861-1947), an American from California, taught scouting to Robert Baden-Powell, inspiring B-P to eventually found the Boy Scouts. Burnham went to Africa in 1893 to scout for Cecil Rhodes on the...
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David Mann. Creating A Lean Culture: Tools To Sustain Lean Conversions
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