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Dawn Bennett-Alexander Employment Law for Business
Book DescriptionBennett-Alexander and Hartman's, Employment Law for Business, 4/e, addresses law and employment decisions from a managerial perspective. It is intended to instruct students on how to manage effectively and efficiently with full...
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Angelo Kinicki Organizational Behavior: Key Concepts, Skills, & Best Practices with Student CD and Management Skill Booster Card
Book DescriptionIn addition to facilitating active learning, Organizational Behavior: Key Concepts, Skills & Best Practices, by Kinicki and Kreitner, meets the needs of those instructors looking for a brief, paperback text for their OB course, who...
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Global Change and East Asian Policy Initiatives
Book DescriptionThe book is a collection of studies by leading experts in such fields as corporate and political governance, economic policy, globalization, higher education, legal reform, regional integration, and social protection. The studies...
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Peter M. Dunbar The Condominium Concept: A Practical Guide for Officers, Owners and Directors of Florida Condominiums, Eighth Edition
Book DescriptionThe Condominium Concept is the only definitive source for laws affecting Florida's condominiums. Thoroughly cross referenced to the Florida Statutes, it is a quick and easy reference guide to answer many of the questions that...
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Ellen Weis Berkeley: The Life and Spirit of a Remarkable Town
Book DescriptionDiscover the history and memorable sights of Berkeley, the East Bay town beloved for its beautiful campus of the University of California, eclectic neighborhoods, and progressive political movements. From its great bookstores, new...
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