Richard I Henderson

Compensation Management in a Knowledge-Based World (10th Edition)

Book Description As the leading book in its field, Compensation Management offers a practical exploration of the systems, methods, and procedures involved in establishing and administering a compensation system within any...

Sally Pointer

The Artifice of Beauty

Book DescriptionThis fascinating and unique book traces the way in which we have adorned, perfumed and presented ourselves from the earliest prehistoric evidence right through tot eh dawn of the multi-million doallar cosmetics industry....

Aileen Ribeiro

Dress and Morality

Book Description Moralists have raged throughout history against various fashions for being too short, too long, too tight, too loose or too costly. Highlighting the times when choice of dress was a moral minefield, this enlightening and...

Fiona McIntosh

Blood and Memory: The Quickening Book Two (The Quickening)

To save two kingdoms from a despot's rule, one man must journey into the unknown, seeking answers to the strange and powerful secret that so plagues him. Wyl Thirsk, loyal soldier of Morgravia, has seen his best friend slain, his...

Joel Rosenberg

The Guardians of the Flame (Guardians of the Flame Novels (Raen))

This omnibus volume brings together Rosenberg's first fantasy trilogy (The Sleeping Dragon; The Sword and the Chain; The Silver Crown), which if not terribly original boasts energy, wit and a strong moral sensibility. An amiable group of college...

<<<  Мигель де Сервантес Сааведра. Хитроумный идальго ...             В. М. Никитин, Д. А. Никитина. Теория бухгалтерского учета >>>

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