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Paul DuBois MySQL Cookbook
MySQL Cookbook provides a unique problem-and-solution format that offers practical examples for everyday programming dilemmas. For every problem addressed in the book, there's a worked-out solution or "recipe"--short, focused pieces of code...
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Mary Ann Bell, Mary Ann Berry, James L. Van Roekel, Frank Hoffmann Internet and Personal Computing Fads
An easy-to-understand guide to often-confusing computer/Internet jargon! Internet and Personal Computing Fads is an A-to-Z reference book written in a straightforward style that?s informative enough for library use but informal enough for...
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B. Moose Peterson Magic Lantern Guides: Nikon D2H (A Lark Photography Book)
Book Description Learn to use Nikon’s new D2H digital camera with the help of B. Moose Peterson experienced wildlife photographer and a Nikon Legend Behind the Lens. His new Magic Lantern guide will get you up to speed in no time, with...
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А. Поляк-Брагинский Компьютерная сеть своими руками. Популярный самоучитель
У вас дома или в офисе есть несколько компьютеров, и вы хотели бы объединить их в локальную сеть, но не знаете, с чего начать. А может быть, вам просто не хватает знаний и опыта или нужен совет профессионала? В таком случае эта книга - для вас! В...
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Martin Nicholas Kunz Tokyo. Architecture & Design
200 color photographs and plans. Text in English, German, French and Spanish. It is safe to say that the twenty first century arrived first in Tokyo in the shape of its ultra-modern architecture. During the last few years, innovation and...
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Поиск книг в интернет магазинах.
Домой Шибенду Лахири: Самадхи. Крийя йога была заново открыта великим
Julie Stav, Deborah Adamson. Get Your Share: The Everyday Woman's Guide
Бесплатный хостинг
Автомобильный портал
John Asafu-Adjaye. Environmental Economics For Non-Economists:
П. Р. Солтоски, Х. Л. Караманукян, Т. А. Салерно.
Alexander A. P. Singha. Ready to Use: Venture Capital Term Sheets -
Поиск работы
Robert Steinbach. Crisp: On-the-Job Training: Preparing Employees for
Русская голгофа. Триптих духовных песнопений. Часть II.