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David L. Olson Decision AIDS for Selection Problems (Springer Series in Operations Research)
One of the most important tasks faced by decision-makers in business and government is that of selection. Selection problems are challenging in that they require the balancing of multiple, often conflicting, criteria. In recent years, a number of...
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Alvin H. Reiss, Alvin H. Reiss CPR for Nonprofits: Creating Strategies for Successful Fundraising, Marketing, Communications and Management
In this innovative, practical guide, Alvin H. Reiss shows how dozens of organizations have developed creative strategies for tackling the real-life fundraising, marketing, and management challenges that nonprofits face every day. In an...
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Ed Maurer Internet for the Travel Industry
Welcome to 21st century travel! Today's travel agents, counselors, and entrepreneurs need to be Internet savvy and understand current and future trends to implement successful business strategies. Internet for the Retail Travel Industry shows how...
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Mike Ault Mike Ault's Oracle Internals Monitoring & Tuning Scripts: Advanced Internals & OCP Certification Insights for the Master DBA
A guide to Oracle DBA management scripts, this book is indispensable for all Oracle professionals who must quickly automate and manage their Oracle databases with scripts. An online code depot full of more than 200 pretested Oracle DBA scripts...
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Еремей Парнов Еремей Парнов. Собрание сочинений в 10 томах. Том 8. Красный бамбук - черный океан
В восьмой том Собрания сочинений вошел роман "Красный бамбук - черный океан" и рассказы, объединенные темой Востока....
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Д. Э. Розенталь. Справочник по правописанию и литературной правке
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Style Defile Mix. Компиляция лучшей музыки
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W.G. Sebald. Campo Santo (Modern Library Paperbacks)
Ann Ford, Toby Teorey, Sandy Bartlett, Gary Tyson. Practical Debugging
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