Owen Hargie

Communication Skills for Effective Management

Book Description It is now widely recognized that communication is at the very heart of effective management. There is an ever-expanding demand for valid and generalizable information on how best to relate to people in organizational contexts. ...

The Arab Human Development Report 2004: Building a Knowledge Society

Book DescriptionThe new edition of the Report describes free societies, in their normative dimension, as fundamental contrasts with present-day Arab countries. Caught between oppression at home and violation from abroad, Arabs are increasingly...

Patrick Cusatis

Hedging Instruments and Risk Management

Book Description Books on complex hedging instruments are often more confusing than the instruments themselves. Hedging Instruments & Risk Management brings clarity to the topic, giving money managers the straightforward knowledge they need...

Rolf Fare

New Directions : Efficiency and Productivity (Studies in Productivity and Efficiency)

Book Description The key unifying conceptual tool of this important entry in the study of efficiency and productivity is the directional distance function. In New Directions the authors take up this new performance measure while...

Dinsdale Landen

The Merry Wives of Windsor (Arkangel Shakespeare)

Book DescriptionSir John Falstaff plans to seduce Mistresses Ford and Page and gain access to their husbands' fortunes. The two women are too smart for the debauched old libertine, and Falstaff's plots only lead to his humiliation. Intrigue abounds...

<<<  Анна Малышева. Последний фараон             Джон Самма. Торговля против толпы. Извлечение прибыли из страха ... >>>

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