С. Пахомов, С. Асмаков

Железо 2006. КомпьютерПресс рекомендует

Ежегодно в индустрии персональных компьютеров и периферийных устройств происходит огромное количество изменений, связанных с совершенствованием технологий, улучшением технических характеристик и потребительских качеств выпускаемых продуктов....

Paul Sabin

Crude Politics: The California Oil Market, 1900-1940

Book DescriptionEnergy shortages, climate change, and the debate over national security have thrust oil policy to the forefront of American politics. How did Americans grow so dependent on petroleum, and what can we learn from our history that will...

Things that Talk : Object Lessons from Art and Science

Book DescriptionImagine a world without things. There would be nothing to describe, nothing to explain, remark, interpret, or complain about. Without things, we would stop speaking; we would become as mute as things are alleged to be. In nine...

Ann Rhiannon

Bear with Me (Step into Reading)

Book DescriptionThis Step 2 reader recounts a scene from Disney’s new animated film, Brother Bear . With humor, drama, and amazing illustrations, this wonderful story is sure to enthrall young readers....

William E. Howard

Introduction to Solid Modeling Using SolidWorks

Book DescriptionGeared toward in an introductory course in solid modeling, Introduction to Solid Modeling Using SolidWorks by Edward Howard and Joseph Musto, of East Carolina University and the Milwaukee School of Engineering, respectively,...

<<<  Китайская лирика. Серебряный век. Рубеж XIX-XX веков ...             Е. Г. Родчанин. Философия для технических вузов >>>

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