Джонатан Рабан

Как птички-свиристели

Два иммигранта в погоне за Американской мечтой... Английский интеллектуал, который хотел покоя, а попал в кошмар сплетен и предрассудков, доводящих до безумия... Китайский паренек "из низов", который мечтал о работе, прошел через ад - и...

Zilpha Keatley Snyder

The Unseen

Book DescriptionXandra Hobson has always been fascinated by magic. So when she rescues a beautiful wounded bird, she is convinced that the glowing white feather it leaves behind must be magical. When she brings the feather to school, she is...

R. J. Rummel

Red Terror: Never Again (Never Again)

Book DescriptionA secret society of war and democide survivors sends a female warrior Joy Phim and her historian lover John Banks back to 1906 to prevent the major wars and democides of the 20th Century and to promote a democratic peace. Their...

rhiannon Guy

The Moviegoer's Companion (Companions Series)

Book Description How many times has James Bond been told he’s going to die? In which film did the co–star get eaten by hungry pigs? Which director gave his audiences an extra fright by making their seats vibrate? Which film...

Edward C. Rosenow

The Art of Living: ...The Art of Medicine the Wit and Wisdom of Life and Medicinea Physician's Perspective

Book DescriptionDuring my nearly 50 years in medicine (closer to 60 years if you count the many years I visited patients in the hospital or their home with my physician father), I slowly realized that we physicians are losing, or never had, good...

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Яхо В. М. Тарасюк. Эксплуатация котлов. Практическое пособие David L Hancock. Affiliate Cash Flow Marketing Агния Барто. Мы с Тамарой Агент майл.ру Погода Бесплатный хостинг Каталог софта Энциклопедический словарь Ф. А. Брокгауза и И. А. Ефрона. Том 7. Переиздание Фото Роберт Луис Стивенсон. New Arabian Nights / Новые арабские ночи Наталья Солнцева. Сады Кассандры. Кольцо Гекаты Павел Лукницкий. Сквозь всю блокаду. Дневник
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